4 New Year’s Resolutions For Fighting Cyber Crime and Corruption

The end of one year and the start of another is the perfect time to look back on all that has transpired and set your sights on the future. As we look back on the past three hundred and sixty five days of fighting the bitter battle against cyber crime, cyber heists, and corruption, we are reminded of the long road that still lies ahead. As we keep progressing and fighting the good fight, here are our 4 New Year’s Resolutions for fighting cyber crime and corruption:

Protect Yourself

The best offense is a good defense. Wondering how you can help stop cyber crimes and corruption? It starts by simply protecting yourself. Are you doing all you can to monitor your online activity? Are you leaving yourself vulnerable to infiltration? Are you noticing suspicious activity and not reporting it? Could you be doing more to protect yourself? Starting here helps you prepare for the future. Do everything you can to protect your online activity, and make sure you understand how every move you make works.

Spread Awareness

Protecting yourself is important, but without a greater awareness of the dangers of cyber crime and corruption, we are still going to see tragedies on the same global scale. The harsh reality is that plenty of people have never even heard of a cyber heist until it happens to them. Most cyber crime is preventable with simple protection methods. Taking the fight head on involves empowering your family, friends, workplace, and community to shield themselves against cyber crime. That’s how we make a difference in this war.

Do Your Research

Even vigilant cyber crime combatants make rookie mistakes. Before making an online action, do your research on how it may affect you. Plenty of cyber crime is the result of a simple mistake being overlooked or going unconsidered. Being intentional about all of your online activity helps prevent cyber crime in a way that protection alone cannot. A combination of protection and constant awareness leads to a safer virtual world for everyone.

Get the Help You Need

The battle against cyber crime and corruption is not one fought alone. If you are the victim of a cyber crime, the Stolen Asset Recovery Network can help work to recover what you lost. If you need help with cyber crime or corruption in any form, contact the Stolen Asset Recovery Network today! We provide swift action on a global scale to combat cyber crimes and corruption.

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STARNet, which is short for Stolen Asset Recovery Network, is a global alliance of independent law firms created to provide financial institutions and governments with multi-disciplinary services across countries and jurisdictions for locating, freezing, and ultimately recovering stolen assets related to cyber heists, fraud or corruption.

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